In FIRST FLIGHT we "look over the shoulder" of a young eagle, making his first efforts to fly. At the beginning it enjoys the stunning views from its comfortable aerie. But then the wish to fly over the beautiful landscape prevails and the young fellow jumps courageous into the void.

Though the first flaps seem a little bit awkward, the skills of the young eagle are getting better very fast and before long it glides majestically over the high mountains and through deep valleys.

But the peaceful atmosphere lasts not for long: A thunderstorm announces his approaching with distant rolls of thunder. Only with great effort he makes it through the whipping winds and heavy rain, but finally he reaches the end of the storm, where the sun glimpses already through the clouds. At the sublime end of the piece, our little friend is flying into the sunset, yet heading into its next adventure.
Type: Concert work Grade: 2 Min.: 5 Year: 2016 Publisher: Musikverlag Frank Instrumentation: Wind Band Audio sample: Score extract:
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