"Wütende Wasser" (Raging Waters) tells the story of the flood of 1987, which devastated the Valley Martell in South Tyrol. Due to heavy rain and malfunctioning watergates on the dam, the water caused severe damage to the villages, but fortunatetly no people where harmed. The wind band Musikkapelle Martell commissioned a work considering these events.

The work starts with an idyllic view over the beautyfull surroundings of the valley. Everything seems allright. But eventually dark clouds appear on the horizon, first rain drops begin to fall and suddenly the clouds burst. Finally the catastrophe occurs, the water gates not closable anymore, the water rushes down the valley, sweeping everything in its way with it. The scale of destruction becomes evident. But in the final part of the piece, hope and confidence prevail, and the inhabitants begin with the rebuilding of their homes.
Type: Concert work Grade: 2 - 3 Min.: 8 Year: 2017 Publisher: Musikverlag Frank Instrumentation: Wind Band Audio sample:
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